How To Make Cottage Cheese - A Guide For Beginners

How To Make Cottage Cheese - A Guide For Beginners
How To Make Cottage Cheese - A Guide For Beginners

The curd is a tasty and interesting product that is often used in various snacks, pasta, salads and even cakes. Of course, you can buy it ready-made, but much more enjoyable and, we guarantee, it will be delicious, to prepare it yourself at home.

The method is extremely easy, so you should not have any worries that you will not succeed.

For starters you need 1 liter of milk. If you've forgotten it in the fridge for a long time or you have more left over and haven't used it, cottage cheese is the best thing you can do.

To make it, you need exactly old half-spoiled or boiled milk. To cross, you can add half a teaspoon of limontozu or one and a half tablespoons of lemon juice when the milk boils.

Add a teaspoon of salt and leave on the stove for another two minutes, then pull aside and allow to cool. When the mixture has cooled, strain it and the thick part that remains in your strainer or gauze is delicious homemade cottage cheese.

How to make cottage cheese - a guide for beginners
How to make cottage cheese - a guide for beginners

If the milk is half spoiled during boiling, it only crosses and in a few minutes you will see the small pieces that separate and float in the pot. After cooling, strain and eat again.

This is a great way to use a product that you would throw away first hand when you smell it and realize that it is no longer drinkable.

If you prefer fine cottage cheese, probably for cakes or fillings, you can also try a slightly slower but guaranteed great way.

How to make cottage cheese - a guide for beginners
How to make cottage cheese - a guide for beginners

In a saucepan mix a good 500 g of yogurt and 1 liter of milk. Both types of milk must be cold when mixed. Put the pan on the stove and heat to 80 degrees. Do not wait for the mixture to boil. It is enough to heat it, then remove it from the stove.

After about 3 hours at room temperature, you can start draining the curd. Transfer the mixture to gauze, the ends of which are tied on a rolling pin. Place the rolling pin on the pan and slowly drain the water from the curd. The longer you hold it, the thicker the end result will be. Again 2-3 hours are enough.

Before you start preparing the desired dish with cottage cheese, beat it in a bowl with a little salt or sugar, depending on what the final product will be.

In this hot weather we would be happy to eat a cold curd with dill and pickles, so hurry up to prepare our own cottage cheese. Don't delay either!
