How Does Elderberry Help Treat Cancer?

How Does Elderberry Help Treat Cancer?
How Does Elderberry Help Treat Cancer?

Elderberry is a shrub with black fruits, reaching a height of 7-10 m, and when it blooms it emits an intoxicating aroma. The fruits are black-purple, outwardly similar to small grapes or blackcurrants.

The healing properties of elderberry have been described by Hippocrates, Theophrastus and Dioscorides. The ancients saw in this shrub a plant that protects the family hearth. In modern medicine gossip is valuable because of its immunostimulants and anticancer properties.

The unique composition explains how rich it is in the number of useful properties. Elderberry contains amino acids, vitamins, mineral salts and other biologically active components. In folk medicine elderberry is used to treat cancer.

The specific composition depends on where the elderberry grows, and it is usually as follows:

- in the inflorescences - essential oils, carotene, glycosides, alkaloids, ascorbic, malic and valeric acids, resins, tannins and minerals;

- in fruits - amino acids, sugars, minerals, resins, anthocyanins, provitamin A, sambucin;

- in the leaves - carotene, vitamin C, essential oils, sambunigrin;

- in the bark and young branches - tannins, pectin, phytosterols, choline;

Remember that elderberry is poisonous - it contains sambunigrin. It is converted to hydrocyanic acid in the body, which can lead to intoxication. Dried medicinal raw materials are absolutely safe.

It's considered that gossip helps to protect the body from any kind of infection.

The plant is very popular in cancer therapy. However, to be useful, you need to use the right recipes. Decoctions and tinctures of black elderberry are used for medicinal purposes. This type of berry is less poisonous, and red can provoke rapid death due to its high content of hydrocyanic acid.

Medicinal decoctions with elderberry have the following properties: anti-inflammatory; disinfectant; diuretic; sweating; bacterial; improves the functioning of the pancreas. The effect of taking drugs based on elderberry will appear only if you start treatment for cancer at an early stage.

Medications can also get rid of the side effects after chemotherapy. The plant is actively used in the treatment of basal cell carcinoma, facilitates well-being in cancer of the stomach, lungs, prostate and blood. Elderberry also helps to cope with the effects of chemotherapy - it prevents hair loss, improves appetite and slows down anemia.

In order for the fruits to be as useful as possible, they must be properly prepared. Each component of the plant should be harvested at different times of the year:

how elderberry helps with cancer
how elderberry helps with cancer

- the ripe fruits are harvested in September;

- flowers will be most useful if collected in early June;

- the young leaves are harvested at the end of May;

- The bark and roots are collected at the very beginning of spring, when they are filled with the power of spring juice.

Collected materials, with the exception of fruit, must be well dried. Only fruits are used fresh.

The grasshopper must be used with extreme care in any form. Excessive consumption can lead to nausea, vomiting, indigestion, acute allergic reaction. This is due to the aggressive substances present in the plant.

note that the treatment with thrush not suitable for everyone - some patients develop acute intolerance. Therefore, you should start taking it in minimal doses and after consulting a doctor.

Lung cancer therapy

The treatment of respiratory oncology is performed with 2 prescriptions:

- Tincture of black elderberry. Take a bottle with a wide neck, start filling it with berries: one layer of elderberry, a second layer of sugar. The proportions are one to one. The resulting product is placed in the refrigerator for 20 days. Shake the bottle regularly so that the juice comes out more actively;

- Decoction of black elderberry. A kilogram of fruit is poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and then put on fire. Heat for 20 minutes, then pour the liquid through cheesecloth. A kilogram of sugar is added to it, then it is boiled again. Store the product in a sterile jar with a lid.

The duration of taking these funds is one month, after which there is a break for 2 weeks. The drug should be taken by tablespoon, dissolved in half a glass of water, during meals.

Treatment of prostate adenoma

Elderberry tincture helps for the treatment of prostate cancer. You need to drink 1 tablespoon of tincture before meals for 1.5 months. Repeat the procedure for 1.5 months, then - rest for 2 weeks.

Elderberry decoction for blood cancer

Elderberry leaves have a strong healing effect. It is very easy to prepare a decoction of them - pour 100 g of the product with a glass of hot water, add 5 g of saffron. The drug stays for 5-10 minutes, after which a spoonful of honey is placed in it. You should take a tablespoon before each meal.

Tincture in stomach cancer

To make a tincture that will stop the development of gastrointestinal oncology, it is enough to take the fruits of black elderberry. Grind them with sugar in a ratio of 3/1, then the finished product is stored in the refrigerator. You should take the product on a tablespoon three times a day with a glass of clean water. The course is a month, after which they take the same break. The reception should be repeated 3 times.

For skin cancer

Elderberry wine is actively used in skin cancer. Take a three-liter jar, fill it with elderberry juice. A cup of sugar is added to it, after which it is tightly closed to activate the fermentation process. Drink 30 ml of wine before each meal. You should store it in the refrigerator. Numerous reviews show that this remedy really works, but only in the initial stages.
