What Is Green Coffee?

What Is Green Coffee?
What Is Green Coffee?

Green coffee is called coffee that has not yet been roasted. These are coffee beans that are processed specifically after being released from the soft part of the fruit of the tree.

The taste of green coffee is reminiscent of ordinary coffee, but has a different, very rich aroma. Green coffee is rich in many substances that make it so fragrant and very useful for the body.

Green coffee contains chlorogenic acid, which is a very powerful antioxidant and cleanses the body from the effects of harmful free radicals.

Green coffee contains more antioxidants than red wine, olive oil and green tea. Green coffee, in addition to fighting free radicals, has other beneficial properties.

Consumption of green coffee and an effective way to deal with extra pounds. The combination of caffeine and chlorogenic acid in green coffee reduces excess weight and prevents obesity.

Green coffee contains not only caffeine but also purine alkaloids. In combination, these two substances help against headaches, even those caused by migraines.

Green coffee improves memory as well as the work of the cardiovascular system. The substances contained in green coffee improve the body's tone and enhance the efficiency of brain processes.

Green coffee contains less caffeine than regular coffee. Therefore, it is recommended for people who for one reason or another avoid regular coffee.

Green coffee is used not only as a tasty and healthy drink, but also for spa treatments that can be done easily at home.

For these procedures, a porridge is made from ground coffee beans ground with boiling water. This paste is applied to problem areas - abdomen, thighs, buttocks - and covered with clear plastic wrap for half an hour.

The foil is removed, the slurry is washed and the skin is smeared with anti-cellulite or nourishing cream.

Green coffee oil is used to make expensive creams that fight wrinkles and take care of the youth of the facial skin.
