Foods That Contain Simple Sugars

Foods That Contain Simple Sugars
Foods That Contain Simple Sugars

Simple sugars they are actually a type of carbohydrate. Natural simple sugars can be found in fruits as well as in milk. They can also be synthesized and added to foods to sweeten them or improve their content.

Of course, you have to be careful with them. This is especially true if you consume them in large quantities, because they are not so good for health. They can cause obesity, high blood sugar and more.

Types of simple sugars

Mango contains simple sugars
Mango contains simple sugars

As already mentioned - simple sugars are a type of carbohydrate, which consist of one or two molecules of saccharides or the so-called. mono- and disaccharides. Monosaccharides are the simplest type of sugars that cannot be broken down by the body due to their structure. This means that our body absorbs them quickly and easily.

We distinguish three types of monosaccharides:

- glucose - contained mainly in fruits and vegetables, in some syrups, candies, honey, soft drinks and some desserts;

- Fructose - can be found mainly in fruits. It is absorbed more slowly by the body than the other two species;

- galactose - it is obtained from sugars in milk and dairy products.

Disaccharides, as their name suggests, consist of two molecules of sugar. This practically means combinations of monosaccharides. For the body, this is more work, because it has to break down the molecules for easier absorption. We distinguish the following types:

- Sucrose - consists of glucose and fructose. This is actually the name of white, refined sugar;

- lactose - consists of glucose and galactose. Found in milk and dairy products;

- malt sugar or maltose - consists of two molecules of glucose and can be found in all products containing malt. For example, malt beer and various liqueurs.

Simple sugars in food

Carbonated drinks contain simple sugars
Carbonated drinks contain simple sugars

Here is a list of the most common foods high in simple sugars.

Refined sugar

Packaged desserts






Carbonated drinks



