When Is Alcohol Contraindicated?

When Is Alcohol Contraindicated?
When Is Alcohol Contraindicated?

Everything in moderation is useful, or so it is said. But there are things that are not just not very useful, but even harmful, especially in some conditions. It's mostly about alcohol. It should not be assumed that nothing will happen from one sip or that only half a glass is very useful.

In most health problems, alcohol is strictly contraindicated, in fact there is no disease in which it is recommended.

It should never be mixed with medicines - whether or not it is written on the package. Even with a head pill, it is better to wait a few hours, and in case you are taking an antibiotic, forget about the aperitif before or after a meal.

It is possible to cause some poisoning, and there are reported cases of death. Taking a medicine with alcohol may weaken or increase the effect of the medicine. Antidepressants or birth control pills should not be mixed with alcoholic beverages.


It is not recommended to drink alcohol at the time of premenstrual syndrome. It is absolutely forbidden if you have stomach problems, gout, hypertension, headaches, diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, some kind of measles, allergies, liver problems.

The only condition in which you can drink alcohol is kidney stones. It is a beer, which, however, to be healing, must be warm. Alcohol is also contraindicated for people who exercise, for pregnant or lactating women, during a diet.

Various studies constantly convince us that a glass or two of wine every day will prolong our lives, or that one brandy evening will successfully cope with stress and even that a glass of vodka can save us from various diseases.

And no one denies it, but only if you are healthy and do not take any medication, or at least have consulted your doctor.
