How To Make A Cake On The Floors So As Not To Fall Apart

How To Make A Cake On The Floors So As Not To Fall Apart
How To Make A Cake On The Floors So As Not To Fall Apart

The decor of the table is definitely the cake. Multi-storey and look like a queen of the holiday, whether it's a cake for a wedding, birthday, anniversary or other favorite day.

Even the most prominent confectioners in the world believe that such a cake is the pinnacle of culinary art. What can we say the three-tiered cake it is not an easy job. The most important thing is to be patient, to make a successful plan, but also to learn a few tricks.

The mistakes of others is the most educational material. If you think about to prepare a cake in three stages, it is enough to arrange three cakes with different diameters on top of each other in descending order, it is better to forget about this idea.

What happens if you do not follow the assembly technology?

The most common side effect is the deformation of the bottom cake, which does not withstand the pressure of the top cake. It can fall apart or tilt in one direction. Due to the deformation of the lower cake and the upper cakes will deform and collapse. To avoid such an unpleasant moment in the middle of the celebration, it is worth paying attention to the theory.

How to avoid the collapse of cakes and hopes?

Preparation of cake on floors
Preparation of cake on floors

Take advantage of the trick that will strengthen the structure. And for it you will need bamboo skewers and cocktail straws. Find the center of each cake and place a scar. Measure the radius of the second cake and leave the same distance from the center of the bottom cake. Mark carefully and place the second cake on top of the first. The marking will help to avoid distortion. Following the same principle, place the top cake.

Working with square and unusual (heart for example) cakes is even easier, will not create difficulty for those who understand the principle of how to deal with three-tier cake.

And now the fun part. In the center of the cake make a piercing with a skewer, pierce all three cakes from top to bottom. Slightly twist the bottle and insert the straws, remove the bottle and pour the melted chocolate into the straws (it is most convenient to do this with a syringe) and dip the bottle into it. In the same way, make some lighter axes around the middle, they will not allow the cake to fall apart on the side.

It is logical to assume that the lighter the middle and top cakes, the less problems it will create for durability. For the bottom cake, choose a heavier dough, such as a brownie recipe or honey cake crusts. For the second and third cakes, choose light or puff pastry, such as Napoleon cake. Light coconut cakes, such as Raphael's cake, will also not complicate the construction and will give a taste with unforgettable notes.

Cake on floors
Cake on floors

Before you begin, think about what your cake will look like. Maybe it's worth tightening the cake with a layer of cream between each. Avoid too liquid creams, if you have difficulty choosing, choose the right option - whipped butter and boiled condensed milk, before use put the cream in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. This cream not only does not flow, but also retains its shape. And thanks to the thick consistency of condensed milk, it tightens the cakes together, providing extra strength.

Unleash your imagination and decorate your holiday cake with sugar dough and thick jellies, in the form of beautiful castles, decorated with characters from favorite photos or fairy tales.
