How Does Diet Affect Heart Health?

How Does Diet Affect Heart Health?
How Does Diet Affect Heart Health?

The foods you choose to eat daily affect your heart condition. Proper selection of products leads to a long and full life and vice versa, if you do not pay attention to what you eat you can increase the risk of heart attack and other diseases.


Fat must be present in your menu. However, not all fats are good for you. Your body needs lipids to function, especially at the cellular level. Unfortunately, we often consume foods high in bad cholesterol, which is deadly to the heart.


From its deposits, the heart has to work at high speed, pumping more blood to unclog contaminated blood vessels. This causes many health problems. Saturated fats should make up no more than 7% of your daily calorie intake. Cholesterol should not exceed 300 milligrams, and trans fats are recommended to make up a maximum of 1% of calorie intake.

Fruits and vegetables

Fruit mix
Fruit mix

The amount of fruits and vegetables we choose to eat each day also affects the condition of the heart. The vitamins and minerals they contain are vital for the proper functioning of the heart. Consumption of fiber-rich products lowers cholesterol levels in the body.


Eating huge portions of meat, rich in fat, contributes to raising blood cholesterol. Chicken and fish are good examples of protein foods that do not harm the heart. Omega-3s are "good" for the heart fat.


They are an important part of any diet. Whole grains are rich in fiber, which also improves cholesterol levels. In addition, they saturate the body for a long time. This increases the chances of achieving the desired healthy weight.
