Nutrition In Colon Polyps

Nutrition In Colon Polyps
Nutrition In Colon Polyps

Colon polyps are benign growths. Symptoms usually include bleeding, mucus, and intestinal obstruction. Occasionally there are changes in bowel habits and diarrhea. However, in some cases, polyps can turn into malignant neoplasms. That is why timely treatment is extremely important.

According to recent studies, regular consumption of foods rich in fiber prevents the formation of polyps in the colon.

Consumption of brown rice, green vegetables and dried fruits significantly reduces the risk of polyps. According to American scientists, the benefits come down to the amount of vitamins, fiber and antioxidants contained in these products.

Eat brown rice at least once a week, and legumes three times a week. Cooked vegetables consumed every day reduce the risk of polyps by 24%.

Movement is also crucial in this problem. Try to move more, exercise even for an hour a week.

If you have already been diagnosed with polyps, you can take some products that will suppress their growth. The so-called phytoimmunocorrectors inhibit the growth of polyps. These include herbs such as elderberry and white mistletoe. Take a tablespoon of a mixture of them or separately, boiling with a teaspoon of water. Take one tablespoon three times daily before meals for a month.

Nutrition in colon polyps
Nutrition in colon polyps

To increase the immune protection you can use ready-made complexes from the pharmacy, which well complement the microenemas with snake's milk. These enemas are made with a tablespoon of snake's milk, which is poured into a glass of boiled water. Allow to cool.

The liquid is injected into the rectum at night in a quarter cup. The procedure is done for ten days. In many cases, the result is very good, the polyps just disappear. This will be established when you go to see a doctor.

You can spread the polyps through apple and pear seeds. Eat 4 seeds a day. This will not harm you, but it is certainly very useful because the seeds contain vitamin B17. It is also found in peas and wheat germ.

In the morning on an empty stomach drink a glass of water, carrot juice, cherry juice, decoction of fresh or dried fruit, black or cranberries.
