Treatment Of Influenza With Folk Remedies

Treatment Of Influenza With Folk Remedies
Treatment Of Influenza With Folk Remedies

When one of the most current topics is that of influenza and viral diseases, everyone wonders what to consume preventively for good immunity. If you follow the rules of healthy eating, take enough vitamins and minerals, give up bad habits and maintain a cheerful spirit, your immunity will probably be at a maximum and everything will be fine with your health.

But we are human and we cannot always meet the above conditions. On top of that, our environment "fires" at us with carcinogens, bacteria and viruses. Most of us are get the flu at least once during the winter season, and not only.

In such moments it is good to put in your body only useful food and medicinal decoctions. Because while antibiotics and various medications treat but also put a lot of strain on the liver, these folk remedies for influenza they will only bring you pure health benefits.

The best advice from folk medicine for the flu

1. Put your feet in hot water for 20 minutes, be sure to do this in the evening. After the procedure, smear your feet with a warming balm or rub with alcohol, put on warm socks;

2. If the nose is blocked. Heat 5 tablespoons of salt in a pan. When the salt heats up, put it in a sock or bag and place it over the nose (frontal sinuses) - it immediately relieves nasal congestion. You can also use a boiled egg, peel it, wrap it in a towel so that it does not burn and apply it on the maxillary sinuses;

3. Sore throat and you can not breathe - boil 2 potatoes unpeeled, cut into 4 pieces and put them back in the pan. Add 3 drops of iodine in boiling water with potatoes, it is useful to add a few drops of eucalyptus oil. Put a large towel on your head and breathe over this steam. Be careful not to bend low so as not to burn your throat and nose with hot steam. Inhale as deeply as possible. Inhalation helps with severe nasal congestion and sore throat;

Folk medicine for influenza
Folk medicine for influenza

4. What to do in case of severe sore throat - do a rinse (gargle) - in a glass of warm boiled water add a spoonful of baking soda, a spoonful of salt, a few drops of iodine. Rinse as often as possible. You can also put a spoonful of honey in your mouth, try not to swallow it as long as possible. At the same time, draw a net around your neck with the mixture with a cotton swab and wrap it with a scarf;

5. Raspberry - even if it sounds strange, this perennial plant is very effective folk remedy for influenza. If you have a fever - raspberries and blackcurrants will help you deal with it. Dissolve a few tablespoons of raspberries in warm water and drink in one gulp. Great if you add a spoonful of blackcurrants there. They will make you sweat, and the temperature will leave you with the moisture. Do this every half hour, even if you no longer feel like drinking. Then wrap under the covers;

6. Onion juice - one of the first helpers in the flu. It can cure a runny nose by dripping a few drops in the nose. If the otitis is on the middle ear, then drip 2 drops into the ear canal;

Onion juice for flu
Onion juice for flu

7. Chicken broth - works wonders if you drink it in the first days of the disease. It should be consumed hot and often. Ideally, add green onions.

8. Cabbage leaf - relieves headaches and fever. Pre-pierce the leaves with a toothpick to get the juice. Apply on forehead and back. You can secure yourself by wrapping it with a towel. When it warms to body temperature, turn it over.

And to support your good health, make this flu drink or this homemade mixture for colds and flu or look for the best for you from our health recipes.
