Folk Remedies For Asthma

Folk Remedies For Asthma
Folk Remedies For Asthma

Asthma is not only an extremely unpleasant condition associated with difficulty breathing, but can also be fatal. At the same time, the latest data show that in Bulgaria there are no less than 500,000 people suffering from asthma.

Of course, if you are one of them, it is mandatory to inform your personal physician about what medications are appropriate for your particular case.

From time immemorial, however, there have been some pure ones folk remedies and methods that have proven effective in asthma. Here they are.

Steam inhalations

Steam inhalations have been used for centuries coping with asthma attacks. They do not require much effort or resources on your part. It is enough to heat water in a large pot and add to it salts and a little eucalyptus essential oil. Stand low over the pot (being careful not to burn yourself) and with a towel covered over your head, start inhaling and exhaling slowly. An easy but very effective method for asthma.


Coffee helps with asthma
Coffee helps with asthma

Coffee effectively cleanses the airways, but still do not consume more than 2 cups a day. Also coffee consumption is not a suitable method for asthma in pregnant women, nursing mothers or young children.

Black tea

Black tea generally has the same properties as coffee and is a good alternative for those who do not like coffee. Again avoid by pregnant women, nursing mothers and young children.


Boil 2 cloves of garlic in 100 ml of fresh milk and consume this drink slowly, divided into several intakes during the day. It is clear that you will have to brush your teeth more often or chew gum so that others do not avoid you, but this method is definitely worth trying.


Onions for asthma
Onions for asthma


Consumption of onions reduces the contraction of the airways, but it is best to eat it raw.


Honey is a universal remedy against all diseases, and has a beneficial effect even on people suffering from asthma. Dissolve 1 tsp. honey in 1 tsp. hot water and drink this decoction 3 times a day.

Fresh air

We all know that in big cities the air is too dirty, and that's it risk factor for asthmatics. It is not possible for everyone or everyone will want to change their home and go to live somewhere in the villages. However, nothing prevents you from frequenting your trips to the mountains or taking time for a longer sea holiday. Clean air is important for all of us, but most of all for people suffering from asthma.
