You Don't Know This About Your Favorite French Fries

You Don't Know This About Your Favorite French Fries
You Don't Know This About Your Favorite French Fries

French fries along with pizza and fried chicken are among the favorite foods of young and old and this is a well-known fact. However, there are many unknown details about these goldenrods, which few suspect. Here are some of them:

- It is believed that the oldest recipe for french fries is included in a French culinary collection. It dates back to 1755;

- in the United States in just one year are consumed nearly six hundred million kilograms of potatoes;

- It has long been debated which is the homeland of french fries. In the end, Belgium managed to win the dispute;

French fries
French fries

- according to statistics, most often the partners eating in restaurants argue because of their desire to poke potatoes from someone else's plate;

- French fries have their own holiday. It is celebrated on March 14;

- french fries are among the foods that scientists say can be addictive. Other delicious temptations leading to addiction include: pizza, chocolate, cakes, cheeseburgers, ice cream, cheese;


- The most appetizing are the french fries grown and prepared in the American state of Pennsylvania;

- In Bulgaria, people usually combine french fries with cheese. However, in most parts of the world they are flavored with sauces such as ketchup and mayonnaise;

- according to a recent survey, the smell of fish with french fries is among the favorites of the citizens of the United Kingdom;

Fast Food
Fast Food

- the record holder in eating french fries managed to eat 2 kg of them in six minutes.
