Trivia About Cinnamon That You Don't Know

Trivia About Cinnamon That You Don't Know
Trivia About Cinnamon That You Don't Know

The delicious aroma of cinnamon is amazing and causes warmth and comfort in each of us. She was once so prized that battles were fought for her. It was used as a currency and was revered as a powerful aphrodisiac.

A native of Ceylon (Sri Lanka), true cinnamon dates from Chinese writings to 2800 BC. The ancient Egyptians used cinnamon in the embalming process.

From their word for cannons, the Italians call it canella, which means small tube. It correctly describes the cinnamon sticks.

In the first century, Pliny the Elder described 350 grams of cinnamon as worth more than five kilograms of silver, and in the Old Testament it is described as more valuable than gold.

It is again mentioned in it as an ingredient in the anointing oil. Medieval physicians used cinnamon in medicines to treat coughs, hoarseness, and sore throats.


As a sign of remorse for the murder of his wife, the Roman emperor Nero ordered the burning of the one-year supply of cinnamon at her funeral.

When the Dutch learned of the source of cinnamon off the coast of India, they bribed and threatened the local king to destroy it all, thus maintaining their monopoly on the prized spice.

However, in 1833, the fall of the cinnamon monopoly began when other countries discovered that it could grow easily in areas such as Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Mauritius and Guyana. Cinnamon is also grown in South America, the West Indies and other tropical climates.
