How To Clean Artichokes

How To Clean Artichokes
How To Clean Artichokes

The artichoke is known since ancient times, it was called a vegetable-flower and was often used to decorate the interior. Artichoke was used for food in ancient Greece, was known in ancient Egypt, and in ancient Rome on the table of the rich there was always this delicacy.

The ancient Romans knew that artichoke was good for the proper functioning of the liver, stomach and intestines. When buying artichokes, always choose one that has firm and elastic leaves that fit snugly behind each other.

The weight of a well-ripened artichoke is such that it is heavier than expected for such a small vegetable. If the artichoke squeaks when squeezed, it means that the vegetable is quite fresh.

Artichoke cleaning
Artichoke cleaning

If there is a little brown tint on the artichoke, which is called a winter kiss because of the slight frosting of the artichoke, this is good because the brownish artichoke is sweeter.

To clean the artichoke you need gloves, a wide sharp knife, strong scissors, a small knife, half a lemon. For consumption of the whole artichoke is its bottom, which is located at the bottom and is eaten with the fleshy bases of the leaves, as well as its tender core.

Before cleaning the artichoke, wash it with cold water. Be careful, because the artichoke has sharp leaves, so the next cleaning steps are done with gloves.

Sliced Artichoke
Sliced Artichoke

Shake the artichokes well from the water. Wipe it with a towel. With a wide sharp knife, cut off the top of the artichoke - about three to five inches from the top.

When in contact with air, sliced artichoke loses its color. Therefore, prepare a bowl of water, squeeze the juice of half a lemon in it and put the cleaned pieces of artichoke in this water.

Use scissors to cut the sharp edges of the petals. Cut the stem to the base with a knife. If you want to fill the artichoke with stuffing, it is almost ready.

It remains to boil it for half an hour in boiling water, remove the purple medium and the fibers underneath with a small knife, and then prepare the artichoke according to your chosen recipe.

But if you do not want to fill the artichoke, you must continue to clean it. To do this, break off all the outer leaves by hand by pulling them.

After removing the outer leaves, a pale core of inner delicate petals will remain in your hands. With a small knife, remove the remnants of the coarse leaves at the base of the artichoke.

Cut the artichoke lengthwise in half. Remove the purple medium and hairs. You can now use artichokes to make a delicious specialty from it.
