For The Benefits Of Vegetable And Fruit Juices

For The Benefits Of Vegetable And Fruit Juices
For The Benefits Of Vegetable And Fruit Juices

Melon juice has the greatest benefit if squeezed from the fruit in September. The juice is good for the nervous system, has a diuretic and mild laxative effect.

Melon juice helps with atherosclerosis, kidney and bladder diseases, works well for constipation and hemorrhoids. It is recommended to drink one teaspoon of juice a day, can sweetened with a little honey.

Celery juice is squeezed in September from the roots and leaves of the plant. Celery juice is rich in many vitamins. Potassium salts have a good effect on the heart.

Iron in celery is good for the blood. The juice improves metabolism and acts as a diuretic. It is useful in neurosis and obesity.

It is recommended to drink celery juice for prostate problems, painful menstrual cycle, dermatitis and lack of appetite. Drink one tablespoon three times daily before meals, slightly sweetened with honey.

Parsley juice is squeezed in September from the leaves and roots of the plant. Parsley juice contains B vitamins, vitamin K and vitamin PP.

For the benefits of vegetable and fruit juices
For the benefits of vegetable and fruit juices

Celery juice stimulates the kidneys, is used for cystitis and kidney stones, inflammation of the prostate. Drink one tablespoon three times daily before meals.

The juice of green beans is squeezed from the green tender pods. Seventy-five percent of bean protein is absorbed. In terms of copper and zinc content, beans are superior to almost all plants.

Bean juice is recommended for diabetes and obesity. Drink one glass a day.

Apple juice is squeezed in September from fully ripe apples with a rich aroma. The juice strengthens the immune system and is a tonic for heart disease.
