With Freshly Squeezed Juices You Lose Weight Quickly

With Freshly Squeezed Juices You Lose Weight Quickly
With Freshly Squeezed Juices You Lose Weight Quickly

If you decide to lose weight with juices, you should do it with freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, not with those from cans and bottles in stores, because most of them contain preservatives and dyes.

The juice diet can rather be called purification, because it rids the body of accumulated toxins and toxins and significantly improves metabolism.

At the same time, the juices saturate the body with useful vitamins and microelements, thanks to which the use of freshly squeezed juices has a healing effect.

The juice diet is low in calories because during this period the body receives a very small amount of fat, protein and carbohydrates. That is why the juice diet is very effective.

With freshly squeezed juices you lose weight quickly
With freshly squeezed juices you lose weight quickly

Simultaneously with the solution of the problem of excess weight you can say goodbye to some diseases such as atherosclerosis, blood pressure amplitudes and diseases of the kidneys and liver.

Before switching to a juice diet, you should gradually reduce the use of meat, and two or three days before starting only with juices, give up fried and smoked meat, gradually replacing it with a portion of juice.

Two days before the start of the diet, your dinner should consist of only two glasses of freshly squeezed juice. You can start the diet by making one unloading day with the help of two or three kilograms of fruit.

The scheme of the diet everyone should choose independently depending on the peculiarities of the organism, as well as on the schedule of work and breaks, as well as persistence in following the diet.

If you can't stand juices alone, you can replace breakfast and dinner with two glasses of freshly squeezed juice, slightly diluted with mineral water. At lunch, eat something vegetarian.

If you have an iron will, you can spend four days on juice, it is no longer recommended because the body does not receive enough substances from the juices alone.

For the preparation of juices use only fresh fruit without defects. Drink the drink immediately after preparation so that it does not lose its valuable elements.

By following a juice diet you can get headaches, temporary weakness and drowsiness. Exacerbation of gastritis and ulcers is not excluded. If you have gastritis with high acidity, do not drink apple, lemon, orange juice and pomegranate juice.
