Fennel Seeds Are A Must For Italian Sausages

Fennel Seeds Are A Must For Italian Sausages
Fennel Seeds Are A Must For Italian Sausages

Fennel is a highly aromatic perennial herb. It is also known as fennel or fennel. It is found in Southern Europe and Southwest Asia.

Anethole oil is obtained by seed extraction. It is the main ingredient of mastic and is one of the ingredients of the Greek drink ouzo.

In the kitchen the seeds have a pleasant aniseed aroma and are used as a spice to:

- cheese;

- sausages;

- sauces;

- fish;

- tomato sauce;

- marinades;

- vegetables;

- eggs.

The main spice is for Italian sausage. It is also used for cakes. It is a traditional spice in the national cuisines of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and the Middle East. The seeds are one of the five ingredients of the Chinese mix.

The seeds are rich in essential oils. The compound anethole, which is also found in anise, gives this aniseed aroma to fennel. It also contains flavonoids and carbolic acid. The seeds are rich in melatonin.

Healing properties of anise

In addition to its taste qualities, which make it very used in cooking, fennel also has healing properties.

Some of the essential oils in it stimulate the secretion of gastric juices and have a beneficial effect on flatulence. Helps digestion. It is used for colic in newborns by steaming its seeds.

Other applications of anise

Fennel is used to flavor and flavor natural toothpastes.
