Home Remedy And Bath For Foot Pain

Home Remedy And Bath For Foot Pain
Home Remedy And Bath For Foot Pain

Leg pain are quite an unpleasant complaint. After a hard tiring day, injuries to muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves and blood vessels can cause unbearable pain in the legs.

After a certain age, they wear out quite quickly and people begin to complain of leg pain, swelling and varicose veins.

We offer you two very efficient procedures, homemade bath and a healing cream for tired and sore feet.

Tired foot bath

Bath with sea salt for leg pain
Bath with sea salt for leg pain

Pour 3 liters of warm water into a basin, apply soap and wash until the water turns white. Put a handful of baking soda and as much sea salt, stir until dissolved. Add boiling water as much as your feet can handle and add 10 drops of iodine. Put your feet in the basin to the ankle for 15 minutes, no more - otherwise the healing effect will disappear. The solution removes all pain. Wipe your feet and smear them with aromatic oil or cream, massage them well and put on woolen socks. Do this procedure before bed and immediately in bed warm.

Homemade cream for heaviness and leg pain

Home remedy and bath for foot pain
Home remedy and bath for foot pain

Alcohol - 300 g

10 ml of camphor alcohol

10 ml of iodine

10 tablets of plain analgin

Mix all products carefully. Leave the mixture to stand for 21 days in the dark.

After the allotted time you can use.

It cures everything: radiculitis, arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis and everything related to joints, bones and muscles.
