Ideas For Beautiful Fabrics

Ideas For Beautiful Fabrics
Ideas For Beautiful Fabrics

The decoration of the plate can be done separately with the help of vegetables or with the products used in the plate. But you can add nothing, just carefully arrange the products on the plate.

You can arrange the ham like funnels - roll each piece carefully. Then put half a cucumber in each piece, the goal being to cut it to length.

Another way is to put a milk salad in the already formed funnels with the help of a syringe. This will form a flower, then you can put green onion leaves or parsley stalks on the handle.

To make it truly spectacular, it is important to arrange the products in the plateau symmetrically. Place the same product on both ends of the plate, then place on both sides with each subsequent product.


You can fill your pieces of ham with some salad - Russian, dairy. Then wrap the pieces like cigars - the goal is to make them not very high about 3-4 cm. You should arrange them on a plate - lying down or straight, as you like.

To make the fabrics beautiful, arrange the products by color. Start with one color of sausage, then another, and so on. If you prefer the plates to be different, arrange them chaotically, but again with some idea - ham at the four ends of the plateau, on the left of each piece the same product, etc.

Vegetable Plateau
Vegetable Plateau

Shape the coat into an eight - use salami or some other sausage. Then on the inside of the two formed the circle you put pieces of yellow cheese, slices of eggs, some other sausage, etc.

If you use melted cheese in triangles, place 4 pieces - the goal is to touch the tops of the cheese. Then you can arrange any products you want between the cheeses.

Using half a cabbage and toothpicks, form a different plateau - string products on the stick, like a skewer and stick on the cabbage. The goal is to cover the whole cabbage with the improvised skewers, so that the cabbage is not visible.

A beautiful plateau is also made with fish delicacies - 4-5 types of fish (veyan, salted, smoked, canned tuna, hot-smoked). To make it spectacular and irresistible in appearance, even for not so big fans of fish dishes, arrange washed and dried lettuce leaves on the plate.

Beautiful Plateau
Beautiful Plateau

Arrange the fish on each leaf, decorate the top with thin circles of red onion, small and thin slices of lemon. In the middle of the plateau place a carved loaf and stuffed with caviar, which you can decorate with chopped black olives.

Put a small ball of butter sprinkled with dill or parsley between the fish leaves. Do not forget the toasted bread slices - let them be small and thin, and why not round, distributed on the periphery of the plateau.

Additional decorations are lemon slices, wrapped in a spiral or like a rose, as well as those made from carrots. The goal is to have more colors, because if this is a sign of bad taste in the clothes, in the food the colorful portion is a delight for the eyes and a preliminary feeling for the delicious food that we are going to consume.

As is well known, food is first perceived with the eyes, then with the nose and finally with the palate.
