Say NO To The Red Onion Heart Attack

Say NO To The Red Onion Heart Attack
Say NO To The Red Onion Heart Attack

Onions are without a doubt among the most unpretentious, but mandatory for almost every vegetable dish. It is always present in the kitchen. Although it is mainly used in the preparation of various dishes, its healing properties are highly valued in folk medicine since ancient times.

Red onion is a variety extremely rich in the phytonutrient quercetin, which is contained in large quantities in some fruits - such as apples. Quercetin acts as an antioxidant, but its antioxidant effect is stronger when the substance is taken from a natural source, such as onions, rather than in the form of a dietary supplement.

However, scientists claim that red-purple vegetables can help prevent heart disease. They found that the variety, often used in Mediterranean and Indian cuisine, helps eliminate bad cholesterol from the body, which can cause heart attacks and strokes. At the same time, red onions retain good cholesterol, which helps prevent heart disease.

The truth is that not all benefits of red onion on the human body are revealed. Japanese scientists have made a new discovery about the benefits of consuming the delicious variety. Red onions are known to contain easily digestible sulfur compounds.

Getting with the blood in the brain, these compounds rejuvenate its cells and stimulate their work. This helps to restore human memory and increases susceptibility to positive emotions.


Onions are a practical and quite inexpensive tool for the treatment and prevention of colds and flu, as well as to increase immunity. To destroy all bacteria in the mouth and partially decontaminate the nasal cavity, you can chew a piece of onion for 4-5 minutes.

Last but not least, it should be noted that the red onion contains considerable doses of vitamin C, as well as mineral salts that help to normalize water-salt metabolism.

Iron in onions is easily digested and can improve hemoglobin. Of course, remember that excessive consumption of this vegetable is not recommended if you have stomach problems.
