How To Make A Really Healthy Chicken Soup

How To Make A Really Healthy Chicken Soup
How To Make A Really Healthy Chicken Soup

Chicken soup is a favorite of young and old, but it is also very healthy. It has been proven to strengthen the immune system and restore our strength during viral illnesses.

It is rich enough in valuable animal proteins for our body, and at the same time it is not at all caloric. A real culinary find!

Unfortunately, in our time really healthy chicken soup can only be prepared from home-raised chickens and hens.

Very often chicken meat is full of all kinds of chemicals, antibiotics and hormones. Even if you buy such chickens, which have an inscription that they are home-raised or even an BIO product, there is no full guarantee that the meat is really high quality.

However, there are several methods of processing chicken that help to get rid of everything toxic. Here's how you can take care of your loved one chicken soup to be healthy.

Never cook chicken with its skin or entrails, because they contain the most toxic substances you are trying to get rid of.

The chicken for the soup should be divided into portions and pre-soaked in carbonated water for about 2 hours. In addition to the chemical cleansing effect, this solution will also make chicken more juicy and appetizing.

washing the chicken makes the chicken soup healthy
washing the chicken makes the chicken soup healthy

In case you do not have carbonated water, you can try to make a chicken marinade of 2 tbsp. lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of salt, which are dissolved in 1 liter of water.

Following these proportions, you will easily calculate how to prepare a solution of 2 or 3 liters. It is important after the chicken stays in it for a few hours to rinse it well, as well as be careful with the addition of salt during the subsequent heat treatment.

When you have no way to leave the chicken pre-soaked, then at least wash it very thoroughly under running cold water.

Gone are the days when we prepared fragrant and nutritious chicken broths from the chickens we bought in the store. As you do not know what chemicals the chicken has been treated with, be sure to discard at least the first water in which you have left it to boil.

Once you have taken care of the chicken in this way, you can prepare it according to your favorite recipe or improvise with new ideas, but definitely calmer for your own health and that of your family.

And in this article you can see which parts of the chicken should not be consumed.
