The Best Tips For Making Good Dough And Pasta

The Best Tips For Making Good Dough And Pasta
The Best Tips For Making Good Dough And Pasta

Although most connoisseurs of pasta believe that the most important rule for them to be delicious is to prepare them only with fresh products, there are some other important points that are sometimes forgotten.

In addition to getting fresh eggs, sifting the flour several times and being careful with the proportions when making a good dough or any kind of pasta, it is important to have some purely technological knowledge. That is why here we will give you some tips for making fluffy and smooth dough and for good pasta:

- In most cases, when preparing dough, the rule is that the more time you knead, the better it becomes. However, this is not always the case. When preparing dough for lighter biscuits or pretzels, for example, you should not overdo the kneading, because the inside of the baked cakes will not be light, but will stand tight and flatten easily;

- Be careful not to overheat the oven when baking cooked dough. It becomes fluffier if cooked over a moderate heat. Also, never open the oven for at least 20 minutes, because the puff pastry will drop immediately;

- In the case of Easter cakes, baking takes place after the Easter cake dough is foamy, and the Easter cake itself or the Easter cake products are baked until they start to turn pink;

- When handling crumbly dough, keep in mind that it is baked in a preheated oven on high heat. Otherwise the crumbly dough products become too hard;

Butter dough
Butter dough

- When working with eggs, always make sure that the yolk remains intact. If you have to break them according to the recipe you follow, do not do this in an aluminum bowl, because the eggs will darken;

- When you have already baked the pasta, do not immediately remove them from the form in which they were baked, but leave them to acclimatize near the oven;

- If you bake the pasta without using baking paper and you have to grease the form in which you will bake them, do not overdo the fat, because otherwise you can achieve the effect of frying, not baking.
