The Right Breakfast Wakes Us Up

The Right Breakfast Wakes Us Up
The Right Breakfast Wakes Us Up

The morning meal for many people is a real punishment, so most just drink a cup of coffee without stuffing themselves with muesli or toasting slices and frying eggs.

The morning is most important for nourishing our body. If you do not load your body with certain calories and nutrients for breakfast, your body will sleep at least until noon.

Therefore, it will not be of much use to you at work until you decide to eat something more solid. Breakfast should be at least a third of your daily calorie intake, and even better if it's half your calories for the day.


You may not feel like eating at all after getting up, but then you will be three times hungrier. The ideal breakfast consists of three types of food.

These are cereals - for a long flow of energy, fruits - for lightning energy and vitamins and dairy products - for protein and minerals.

Here are products that are perfect for your breakfast and you can combine them of your choice. First of all, this is the orange juice, which is traditionally drunk every morning in European countries and the United States.

Rye bread contains a quality mixture of various carbohydrates, cellulose, vitamin B and mineral salts. Muesli and cornflakes - they are rich in carbohydrates and minerals.


Fruits - they are full of carbohydrates, trace elements, vitamins and in addition to all their useful properties normalize the stomach. Yogurt is a special delicacy that is not only delicious, but also useful.

It increases resistance to stress and strengthens the immune system, not to mention the calcium charge. Cheese and yellow cheese, which go perfectly with rye bread, are high in protein and calcium.

The fructose in honey provides an instant supply of energy, and the acetylcholine contained in it helps to cope with stress. Coffee and black tea will charge you with vigor, but they alone are not enough to keep you awake until the middle of the day.

Marmalade and jam will charge you with a lot of energy and very few minerals, so you should always add some of the above to these products.

Eggs are rich in vitamin A and protein, but you should not overdo it. Make a menu by choosing between the listed products, and this will guarantee you full performance.
