Why Do We Like The Aroma Of Vanilla?

Why Do We Like The Aroma Of Vanilla?
Why Do We Like The Aroma Of Vanilla?

It is rare for people not to close their eyes blissfully when they smell the delicate scent of vanilla. This is due, according to American scientists, to the fact that vanilla breath takes us back to childhood.

But not because of the delicious pastries or caramel cream we loved. And because breast milk contains substances that bring its aroma closer to that of the most famous confectionery spice.

Homeland of vanilla are Mexico, Panama and the Antilles. The Aztecs paid the Spaniards with vanilla, and they brought it to Europe. The plant itself belongs to the orchid family and bears fruit for 50 years.

In fact, freshly picked fruits have no odor. It appears after a special treatment - the fruits are soaked in hot water, then wrapped in thick towels and finally dried in the sun.

Crystals appear on their surface, which are actually known as vanilla. Their aroma is so strong that it is enough to put a few of them in a jar with powdered sugar and it starts to smell very strong.

Vanilla is all around us. Did you know that even the most loved of all desserts such as eclairs, cakes, creams, cheesecakes, muffins, brownies, roars, cookies and more. etc. also contain vanilla.
