We Eat 4 Times More Pork

We Eat 4 Times More Pork
We Eat 4 Times More Pork

We have been eating four times as much pork in the last decade, the Telegraph reported, citing data from the National Statistical Institute.

In 2002, pork consumption was about four kilograms per year, and ten years later - in 2012, it increased to 12 kilograms over the same period. The quantity is consumed by one household.

Statistics show that consumption is higher, but the price of meat has not increased dramatically - 12 years ago a kilo of pork cost about BGN 6.50. Now the meat is BGN 7.55 for the same amount. It turns out that the consumption of alcoholic and carbonated beverages has also increased.

The bad eating culture and the harmful habits of the Bulgarians definitely have an impact - it is estimated that about one million and 400 thousand people in our country have a problem with weight and suffer from obesity. Statistics show that Bulgaria ranks sixth in Europe in the number of obese children.


The unbalanced and poor diet of Bulgarians is a serious problem, because overweight and obesity also mean a higher risk of other diseases. Among them are cardiovascular disease and cancer.

There is also a serious decline in the consumption of meat other than pork, fresh and yoghurt, and last but not least fish and fish products. Statistics show that about 60 percent of Bulgarians do not consume fresh fruits and vegetables.

About 65 percent of the food products on the Bulgarian market are imported, according to the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce. It is estimated that most meat, fruits and vegetables are imported from abroad - about 80 percent of salad products are of Polish, Turkish or Greek origin.

It is assumed that our table for this year's Easter will be full of imported products. About 30 percent of the meat that is imported into the country is smuggled into the country, according to industry experts. And most of the meat that has entered legally comes from Spain.
