Hamburgers And Sausages Are Like Drugs

Hamburgers And Sausages Are Like Drugs
Hamburgers And Sausages Are Like Drugs

If fast food is your favorite, this has its own explanation. Hamburgers, sausages, chips and cakes program your brain and encourage it to consume even more foods rich in salt, sugar and fat.

Neurologist Dr. Paul Kenny conducted a study to show how dangerous foods rich in fat and sugar can be.

Hamburgers and sausages are like drugs
Hamburgers and sausages are like drugs

If used regularly for years, fast food can become a substitute for happiness and lead to addiction, writes "Daily Telegraph".

According to Kenny, the brain reacts to fast food in the same way as to drugs.

For his experiment, Dr. Kenny divided the rats into three groups. Some ate a normal amount of healthy food, the second a limited amount of fast food, and the third - unlimited amounts of it, including fatty meat products, cheesecake and chocolate snacks.

No adverse effects were observed in the first two groups of rats. But those who ate an unlimited amount of fast food became super fat.

The researchers then electronically stimulated the pleasure-simulating part of the brain and found that rats that ate an unlimited amount of fast food needed more and more of it.
