What Are The Health Benefits Of Mint

What Are The Health Benefits Of Mint
What Are The Health Benefits Of Mint

Mint is an herb known to all of us. Despite its wide culinary application, it remains in the first place an herb with great health benefits, widely used in folk and traditional medicine. And rightly so.

Mint leaves are most often used to make tea, which can successfully replace morning coffee and activate brain functions. During the summer seasons, they are a wonderful addition to all refreshing drinks.

A common spice is in foods with a pronounced taste, such as lamb, seafood, chocolate desserts, fruits. However, in any way it is accepted - it brings us only benefits.

In fact, the benefits of mint were known to the ancient Greeks and Romans, and even to people before them. They used it as a means to strengthen the mind, as well as to flavor their halls for parties and celebrations.

Over the years, it has become a common practice to use it in a number of recipes from everyday life due to the incredible aroma and taste that it adds to the dishes. With the proof of its benefits about 250 years ago, its mass cultivation began.

In mint leaves, the levels of essential beneficial oils vary depending on the variety and climatic conditions, but are always available. The best quality peppermint oils contain up to 50-60% menthol. It causes reflex dilation of coronary vessels in angina.

Fresh mint
Fresh mint

It has an analgesic and antiseptic effect in all inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract. Due to these properties, mint is used in various drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and analgesic gels.

The composition of essential oils also contains ingredients such as ketone jasmine, menthofuran, isomenthol, neomenthol, pulegon, piperiton, pinene, citric acid, cineole, tannins, bitter substances, flavonoids, nicotinic acid, as well as its amide, carotenoids and others.

All of them give peppermint essential oil strong energizing properties. It is used for fatigue and muscle pain. Peppermint oil is also recommended for spasms of the digestive tract, pain and nausea.

Peppermint is used for colitis, constipation and intestinal disorders. The tea from the leaves is useful for flu conditions, stuffy nose and sore throat. Relieves headaches and insomnia. Fresh mint leaves, added to summer cocktails, tone and refresh.
