How To Eat For Smoother Skin?

How To Eat For Smoother Skin?
How To Eat For Smoother Skin?

There is hardly a woman who does not dream of soft and smooth skin. As the years go by, however, this becomes more and more difficult. Then we start looking for miraculous creams and lipsticks to smooth out the wrinkles that have appeared. However, the truth is that in order to keep our skin in good condition, we must not only treat it with certain products, but also eat properly.

According to experts, fish, flaxseed and all other foods containing omega-3 fatty acids help in the fight against treacherous lines. They are believed to be a real heavenly manna for the skin.

Invite to your table and leafy vegetables. Eat more spinach, sorrel, dock, cabbage, fresh lettuce. As a last resort, include them in cooked dishes. Emphasize more carrots, beets, tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet potatoes.

Take advantage of the power of the fruit. To protect yourself from wrinkles or to smooth those that have already appeared on your face, eat more rose hips, blueberries, kiwi, papaya, watermelon.


Bet on yogurt, tahini, butter and olive oil. Eat more nuts and especially walnuts and hazelnuts. Eat soy and soy products from time to time, but don't overdo it.

Try to keep your skin looking beautiful with the help of teas. Drink green tea and rooibos tea more often. Replace coffee with black tea from time to time.

To enjoy beautiful skin, you must not only focus on healthy foods, but also reduce harmful foods. Eat less fried and fatty foods.


Don't underestimate the harms of trans fats. Numerous studies have shown that they not only harm our health but also our appearance. Avoid margarine, mayonnaise, croissants, popcorn and a bunch of other processed foods that are full of them.

Be careful with sausages and foods high in salt. Waffles and all other pastries containing refined sugar are also stigmatized as causing wrinkles.
