Eggs For Breakfast Control Appetite

Eggs For Breakfast Control Appetite
Eggs For Breakfast Control Appetite

A study published in the journal Nutrition Research claims that breakfast, which is rich in protein, helps us control our appetite throughout the day.

According to experts, in order to consume fewer calories at lunch and dinner, we need to start our day with eggs.

Experts came to this conclusion after comparing the energy values of people who started their day with a breakfast rich in protein, and respectively, people who ate breakfast with foods rich in carbohydrates.

The results showed that morning protein intake was crucial in controlling appetite.


The study's lead author, Dr. Maria Fernandez, explained that the researchers compared two traditional American snacks.

The final results clearly showed that the egg breakfast, which is rich in protein, helps control the feeling of hunger for the rest of the day.

Experts emphasize that proteins are very important for the normal functioning of the body, which is why they should be an integral part of the first meal of the day.

Recent studies show that egg consumption has nothing to do with blood cholesterol. The useful lecithin in egg yolk is 10%, and cholesterol - only 2%. Therefore, if you do not have allergies, feel free to eat for breakfast, for example, stewed omelet.

soft eggs
soft eggs

Eggs are a recommended breakfast because they are well digested, give a feeling of satiety and provide the body with many low-calorie vitamins, trace elements and biologically active substances.

The most suitable option are soft-boiled eggs, because they are absorbed most quickly by the gastrointestinal tract.

Among the omelets, the most recommended by experts is the stewed omelet.

Egg white is very good for muscle and growth in children, and the yolk is rich in minerals such as phosphorus, zinc, sulfur, calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron, which are good for the human nervous system.

Eggs help to form antibodies, thanks to which you can strengthen your immune system.
