Green Tea Satisfies Lazy People

Green Tea Satisfies Lazy People
Green Tea Satisfies Lazy People

If you do not have much willpower and you are too lazy to follow a diet and work out in the gym, there is an option to lose weight, which was recently invented by American nutritionists.

You just have to follow a certain diet and in half a year you will lose five kilograms without straining in any way. First of all, you should give up whole milk and replace it with skim milk.

If you like to drink tea or coffee with milk, you should also change it in your drink with skim. Be sure to have breakfast in the morning, and your menu should include at least one boiled egg.

Such a breakfast helps the body stay energized for a long time and reduces the risk of overeating at lunch and dinner. Start lunch and dinner with soup - so your stomach will fill up and you will take less of the main course and dessert.

Always eat slowly, chewing food for a long time. This will help you get full faster. If a person eats slowly, then the daily calorie dose is reduced by about 125 units.

Green tea satisfies lazy people
Green tea satisfies lazy people

Drink four to five cups of unsweetened green tea every day. This alone will help you lose three pounds in ten months - without doing anything else, as long as you do not cram.

Be sure to eat fruit for dessert at lunch and dinner. Once a day, treat yourself to your favorite dessert, but only one, so as not to accumulate excess calories. This way you both allow yourself a treat and do not gain weight.

Prefer meat that is steamed or grilled to fried pieces. This does not mean that you should give up frying at all - if the meat drops huge drops and it is fried in fresh fat, you can afford it three times a week.

Eat five times a day - ie. in addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner, eat lightly before lunch and before dinner. It is even permissible to eat just after dinner, but it should be something light - dried fruit, nuts or skim yogurt.

Allow yourself alcohol, but in limited quantities. And remember that a person does not gain as much from alcohol, although it is also high in calories, as from the various appetizers with which he consumes it.
