Phenomenon: A Boy Never Feels Hungry And Thirsty

Phenomenon: A Boy Never Feels Hungry And Thirsty
Phenomenon: A Boy Never Feels Hungry And Thirsty

Little Landon Jones has not experienced a feeling of hunger or thirst since October 14, 2013, and the cause is still being clarified. Landon is a normal 12-year-old boy who has eaten pizza and ice cream for dinner, and wakes up the next morning without feeling hungry or thirsty, his parents say. The child, who is from Waterloo, Iowa, begins to have dizziness and loses his energy, writes Auditsentral.

For a whole year after tonight, the little boy's parents still don't know what happened to their son. They claim that Landon was an extremely energetic and lively child who loved to ride a bike and play with his friends. Unfortunately, the little boy stops wanting to do anything after October 14, 2013.

The child's parents sought help for their son's condition - Landon's pediatrician prescribed antibiotics, which did not work. The child has visited other doctors in the hope that they will be able to solve the problem, but so far all efforts of parents and specialists have been unsuccessful.

One of the doctors who tried to help the child believes that Landon's case is one of a kind. Other experts suggest that the problem comes from the part of the brain that is responsible for regulating thirst, hunger, blood pressure and temperature - called the hypothalamus. There is still no evidence to support the doctors' claims.

There is another theory about the child's condition - when he was 9 years old, Landon suffered from seizures, which are called absences. What is characteristic of them is a sharp numbness, as the child stops the action he is performing at the moment, the gaze is fixed in one direction, the reflexes and movements are slowed down. This state is very short, and then there is no memory of what happened.


Landon has been treated for the condition for about a year, and some doctors believe there may be a link between the drugs he took and his lack of appetite. However, it turns out that this drug may be a reason for gaining weight, rather than refusing food.

At the moment the child continues to lose weight - he has already lost a lot of weight due to lack of appetite. His parents are constantly trying to get him to eat something, but Landon can't swallow more than a bite.

A study is forthcoming at the American National Institutes of Health, where all rare diseases are treated. The lethargy that gripped the child forced his parents to stop him from school - for the past school year he walked only 65 days. Landon prefers to lie at home instead of playing or cycling.

The child's parents claim that he has not run for months and all he does is watch the children have fun. Landon's family is working hard to find out what the child's problem is - both parents spend several hours a day researching the disease.

However, their hope is not lost and they hope that very soon medicine will be able to find an answer to their son's condition.
