Dr. Emilova Revealed Unsuspected Beneficial Properties Of Watermelon

Dr. Emilova Revealed Unsuspected Beneficial Properties Of Watermelon
Dr. Emilova Revealed Unsuspected Beneficial Properties Of Watermelon

Watermelon is one of the favorite cooling fruits in the summer. It contains about 92 percent water, but this fact should not make us underestimate it. The remaining 8 percent of its content contains extremely valuable substances that make it a summer champion among plant foods.

One of the most valuable ingredients in watermelon is citrolin, which dilates blood vessels. Due to its effect, eating watermelon increases libido. In fact, watermelon can be compared to Viagra, but unlike it there are no side effects, nutritionist Dr. Lyudmila Emilova told TrudBg.

However, the useful properties of watermelon do not end there. It supports the work of the heart, strengthens the immune system and has a beneficial effect on type 2 diabetes, as well as obesity.

Eating watermelon
Eating watermelon

Helps to eliminate toxic substances from our body. In addition, watermelon is a source of large amounts of vitamin A and vitamin C, thanks to which we enjoy fresh skin and excellent tone.

According to Dr. Emilova, watermelon is one of the products suitable for diet. We would achieve good results if we compiled a daily menu composed only of watermelon. In this mode, between two and four kilograms of watermelon are taken (the amount is for a product cleaned of the peel), and it must be at room temperature. If you drink tea on the same day, watermelon is less, and if the regime is based solely on the fruit, its amount is greater.

It is good when such a regime is made, it should be observed by a doctor. It is the specialist who determines its duration, emphasizes Dr. Emilova.

Watermelon salad
Watermelon salad

If done correctly, it will help to normalize blood pressure, eliminate swelling in the body and clear the kidneys of dust and stones.

Dr. Emilova also commented on the favorite practice for many Bulgarians to eat watermelon with cheese. According to her, this juicy fruit is not suitable for combination with other foods, much less with those of animal origin, as this can lead to disorders of the digestive tract. That is why the specialist advises watermelon and cheese to be taken in different meals.
