Strawberries Are Natural Viagra

Strawberries Are Natural Viagra
Strawberries Are Natural Viagra

Strawberries are not only delicious, but also extremely useful for the body. They improve appetite, have a good effect on digestion, expel excess fluids from the body and normalize salt metabolism.

Delicious fruits are a wonderful remedy for gout, atherosclerosis, hypertension and beriberi. If you eat a dozen strawberries every day, you will strengthen your immune system.

Red delicacies have powerful anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action. Their antimicrobial properties are used to treat inflammation of the nasopharynx and to eliminate bad breath.


Strawberries can suppress the development of the flu virus. While eating strawberries, you protect your body from viruses. And the presence of solid iodine provides your body with enough of this element.

People who have diseases of the kidneys or urinary tract, it is good after serious consultation with a doctor to eat strawberries throughout the season of these fragrant fruits.

For general body tone, it is good to eat 300 grams of strawberries every day, as long as you are not allergic to them. Strawberries contain salicylic acid, which helps with joint pain.

Strawberries with cream
Strawberries with cream

Two hundred grams of strawberries contain 60 calories, 4.6 g of cellulose, 0 g of fat, 1.2 g of protein, 14 g of carbohydrates, 28 mg of calcium, 0.8 mg of iron, 20 mg of magnesium, 38 mg of phosphorus, 54 mg of potassium, 1.4 mg of selenium, 113.4 mg vitamin C, 35.4 mg folic acid.

Strawberries kill the causes of stomach infections, as well as staphylococci, streptococci and pneumococci. These fruits have a rejuvenating effect because they have many antioxidants in them.

Eat strawberries without adding sugar, even if they are sour. The most useful for the body are actually sour strawberries. It is good to soften the sour vein with cream or milk.

Among other things, strawberries increase potency. They activate metabolic processes in the body and create conditions for enhancing potency. The zinc they contain increases libido.
