How Do Foods Affect Hemoglobin?

How Do Foods Affect Hemoglobin?
How Do Foods Affect Hemoglobin?

The main function of hemoglobin is the transfer of oxygen in the blood to all cells of the body. Its low levels lead to anemia. Iron plays a major role in its synthesis. In addition to helping the body store oxygen, this element helps prevent infections and promotes cell growth.

It is for this reason that foods that are rich in iron affect hemoglobin and their daily consumption is mandatory. The content of the element is different for men and women. The fairer sex weigh about 2.8 grams and the stronger sex 3.8 grams. The daily dose of iron intake for men should be 10 mg, and for women twice as much - 20 mg.

When anemia is diagnosed, the menu should be dominated by mushrooms, dried fruits, egg yolks, fish, mussels, legumes, radishes, meat. It has been found, especially with regard to seafood, that tuna is extremely rich in iron. People with low hemoglobin should regularly consume red meat, nuts, seeds, lettuce.


Foods containing copper should be consumed for faster and better absorption of iron. These include cheese, liver, apricots and dried figs. Experts recommend avoiding the consumption of two products rich in iron. It is important to know that due to the delay in the absorption of the element, spinach can be taken, which has such a property due to its high content of oxalic acid.

Vegetarians can raise their hemoglobin faster by consuming dark green leaves (nettle works wonders for raising hemoglobin), cereals and foods that are rich in vitamin C. As mentioned above, meat lovers can achieve the same effect with the consumption of red meat and fish.

Hemoglobin levels fall when eating a monotonous diet, as well as excessive consumption of coffee, alcohol. Its levels are also badly affected by drastic diets for weight loss, avoiding fresh fruit and veganism.
