How To Defrost Food With A Microwave?

How To Defrost Food With A Microwave?
How To Defrost Food With A Microwave?

When you want to defrost food quickly, the microwave is a solution, but it is not useful. It is important to know that most microwaves lose more than 90% of their nutrients during rapid microwave thawing. If you still decide to use this method because it is the fastest and you do not have time, it is good to know some basic rules.

The food in the microwave is placed without packaging. It should not be wrapped in foil or other material.

When placing food in the microwave, never place spoons, forks or other metal objects. Do not put food in metal or aluminum containers when using a microwave oven. Also watch out for plates that have decorations, metal threads, because they are easily ignited. This can cause sparks in the microwave and ignite the walls of the microwave.

You cannot use plastic plates or trays because the temperature in the microwave is very high and they will melt. In addition, this process releases harmful substances that are ingested by food.

Glass plates or bowls are most suitable. You can also use porcelain bowls without drawings and decorations on them. Do not cover the food you want to defrost in the microwave.

How to defrost food with a microwave?
How to defrost food with a microwave?

When defrosting meat in a microwave oven, it is good to cook it immediately afterwards, because in some microwaves the process of cooking the meat begins immediately after thawing some part of the meat. In this way of thawing, the meat changes color.

There are microwave models that use the initial heating and there is no danger of pre-cooking the food, but you should check if this applies to your microwave model.

Thawing fruits and vegetables in the microwave leads to almost complete loss of nutrients in them.

If you defrost meat very quickly in the microwave, it is best to cut it into small pieces. Otherwise, until the inside thaws, the edges of the meat begin to change color and the meat begins to cook. To avoid this, turn on the microwave at low power when defrosting meat.

Never defrost breast milk in the microwave!
