The Most Expensive Desserts In The World

The Most Expensive Desserts In The World
The Most Expensive Desserts In The World

Diamond Fruitcake - $ 1.65 million. This is a fruit cake and holds the first place in the ranking of the most expensive desserts in the world. This masterpiece of confectionery art is the work of a Japanese confectioner. For half a year he thought about the recipe for the cake. The construction itself took exactly one month. The cake was decorated with 223 diamonds. What exactly are the other ingredients of the cake, however, the confectionery luminary refuses to reveal to this day.

Strawberries Arnaut - these are strawberry candies and cost 1.4 million dollars. They are handmade by a pastry chef in the French part of New Orleans, USA. There are only five candies and they are wrapped in red foil. Strawberry cakes, of course, are decorated with a diamond ring. The jewelry belonged to the British banker Sir Ernest Castle.

Platinum Cake - it costs 130 thousand dollars. It is the work of the Japanese confectioner Nobue Ikara. The cake is on several floors. It is covered with a white chocolate glaze. It is decorated with platinum necklaces and a brooch. The idea of the cake maker was actually to encourage Japanese women to wear platinum jewelry.

The most expensive desserts in the world
The most expensive desserts in the world

Frrosen Haute Chocolate - 25 thousand dollars. This is a frozen chocolate dessert created by the confectioners of the Serendipiti restaurant and the Euphoria jewelry studio. The dessert is mixed with 29 selected cocoa ingredients, half of which are the most expensive in the world. It is decorated with 23-carat gold foil. The dessert is available in bowls of diamonds and gold bracelets.

Fortress Stilt Fisherman Indulgence - $ 14,500. It is named after the luxury hotel of the same name in Sri Lanka. Only there it is offered to guests. It is decorated with golden leaves. Serve garnished with mango, drizzled with pomegranate compote and champagne. There is an 80-carat aquamarine gem on the cake.
