How To Use Lemon

How To Use Lemon
How To Use Lemon

Lemon is one of the preferred citrus fruits for squeezing juice full of vitamins. However, once we have squeezed the lemon juice, the inside is not to be thrown away.

With its help we can safely clean the surfaces from stains, as lemon juice contains 5-6% citric acid and is an ideal helper in the household.

Before resorting to the use of detergents, try to remove the dirt with the help of lemon.

To remove greasy stains and deposits on pots, use half a lemon, pour salt on it and rub the stains. Then wipe with a rag.

Use ice and the inside of a lemon to clean coffee grounds on the coffee maker or coffee pot. Shake well for a few minutes, pour and wash with cold water and everything will shine like new.

Lemon can also help clean the microwave, even if the dirt looks like pieces of dried cement.

Put the inside of a lemon in a dish suitable for a microwave oven and fill it halfway with water. Turn on the oven at full power and wait until the liquid boils and the steam condenses on the walls. Then remove the container and simply wipe the stains with a damp cloth.

Oven cleaning
Oven cleaning

The inside of the lemon can also be used to flavor the waste bin. You can use before to discard the lemon, after you have used it to clean something else.

If you are wondering how to polish chrome surfaces in your home and remove unpleasant stains on plumbing parts, you just need to rub them with half a lemon and then rub with a soft cloth.

If you dip half a lemon in salt or soda, you can use it to clean and refresh copper and stainless steel products.

You need to rub the stains and leave the acid to act for 5 minutes. Then wash with warm water and polish with a soft cotton cloth.

You can make your own flavored humidifier by filling a container with water and putting a lemon peeled from it in it.

Put on the stove and bring to a boil over low heat. This way the air in the house will be humidified and it will be filled with fresh aroma.
