How To Whet Our Appetite If We Don't Feel Like Eating

How To Whet Our Appetite If We Don't Feel Like Eating
How To Whet Our Appetite If We Don't Feel Like Eating

This article with instructions how to whet your appetite is for those who are not inspired to eat even the most delicious dishes.

The reasons for lack of appetite can be many: from completely harmless, to threatening conditions with serious problems - fatigue, depressed mood or illness.

Here are the easiest and most effective tips how to whet our appetite if we don't feel like eating.

Chew gum

Many people think that chewing gum reduces appetite, but in fact the opposite is true. Prolonged chewing also results in increased production of gastric juice, which means that our body needs food. It is recommended to chew gum for no more than two minutes. And remember that prolonged and more frequent use can lead to deterioration of bowel and stomach function.

Eat apples

In the absence of appetite, eat apples
In the absence of appetite, eat apples

They are one of the best dietary fruits, but they are also a real danger when it comes to controlling hunger. The fact is that apples provoke the production of gastric juice, which means that they awaken the appetite.

This is especially true for green fruits and other sour foods such as lemon, orange, sauerkraut. They irritate the mucous membranes, thus increasing the production of gastric juice.

Freshly squeezed juice

Freshly squeezed juice has a huge amount of sugar and almost complete absence of fiber, which is found in the fleshy part of fruits and vegetables. Drinking juice leads to a sharp rise in insulin and its subsequent sharp fall, which leads to an acute feeling of hunger.

If indifference to food lasts more than two weeks, this can lead to lack of nutrients and general exhaustion of the body. Then it is good to pay serious attention.

What to do if you have no appetite

How to whet our appetite if we don't feel like eating
How to whet our appetite if we don't feel like eating

Try to:

- slow down the pace of life;

- to normalize your sleep schedule;

- learn to relax;

- Allow yourself small joys: a walk, shopping, the opportunity to just lie down under a blanket with a book.

Create comfort and most likely the desire to eat a hot meal, drink a cup of coffee or tea with cookies will soon return to you.

But if lack of appetite and indifference to food lasts two weeks or more or is accompanied by rapid weight loss, it is worth taking a closer look at the problem.

The best way to do this is to visit a doctor and get all the tests prescribed by him. Depending on the results of the first analyzes, additional examinations may be prescribed: ultrasound, electrocardiogram, radiography, MRI. This will help to find the real one cause of loss of appetite and to adjust effectively.
