Popcorn Was Still Useful

Popcorn Was Still Useful
Popcorn Was Still Useful

Haven't you heard how harmful popcorn is? However, according to a recent study by nutritionists, popcorn and beans are a source of extremely useful nutrients.

Popcorn is a whole grain food that can reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. They contain three times more fiber than delicious sunflower seeds. Popcorn balances blood sugar levels and helps reduce bad cholesterol.

Popcorn also contains large amounts of the antioxidant polyphenols that protect cells from the damaging effects of free radicals. The latter are the ones that can lead to cardiovascular problems and cancer.

Polyphenols have 10 times higher antioxidant effects than vitamins C and E.


"We were surprised by the high content of polyphenols in popcorn. I think they really are a healthy food," said British doctor Joe Vinson some time ago.

Indeed, popcorn is also a high-calorie product. Therefore, the advice of nutritionists is both not to deprive yourself of them, and not to overdo their consumption, as you will get weight problems.

Salty popcorn could cause high blood pressure. Therefore, it is better to consume desalinated and home-made.

According to nutritionists, roasted beans are also a real food power plant, rich in protein, fiber, iron and calcium.

It is recommended as much as fruits and vegetables, as it protects against heart problems and prostate cancer.
