What Are The Risks Of Fermented Foods?

What Are The Risks Of Fermented Foods?
What Are The Risks Of Fermented Foods?

Fermented foods are obtained after undergoing a process of lactic acid fermentation, as a result of which natural bacteria have processed the sugar and carbohydrates contained in food into lactic acid. Through this process, food is preserved and enriched with a number of useful nutrients, such as enzymes, vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids and probiotics.

For us Bulgarians, this type of food has been well known for centuries and traditionally most of them are present on our table mainly during the winter months.

To the group of fermented foods These include yogurt, kefir, apple cider vinegar and naturally fermented vegetables, popular in our country as pickles - cucumbers, carrots, cauliflower, red peppers, garlic and of course sauerkraut.

Some others popular fermented foodsbut not very common in Bulgaria are Kombucha - fermented tea and Kimchi - a traditional Korean dish of fermented vegetables, mostly cabbage, similar to Bulgarian sauerkraut, to which are added spices such as red pepper, garlic and onion juice, tomatoes and other.

Fermented foods are known to be useful for their claims that they improve digestion and ennoble the microorganisms that live in the gut, reduce inflammation, strengthen the immune system and are a good ally in weight loss.

However, according to the British microbiologist, Ms. Manal Mohammed, in addition to the beneficial properties they have, this type of food also carries some risks.

stomach pain from fermented foods
stomach pain from fermented foods

For example fermented foods and beverages may cause allergies, to facilitate the growth of bacteria resistant to antibiotics and lead to unpleasant side effects such as fatigue, sleep problems, itching, rashes, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, in rare cases even low blood pressure and cardiac arrhythmia.

According to Ms. Manal Mohammed, these possible risks are due to the presence of histamines, which are found in probiotic-rich foods such as fermented foods. Some people's bodies do not produce enough enzymes to break down these histamines, as a result of which they enter the bloodstream and cause reactions.

Fermented foods can be harmful, especially for the elderly or those with a compromised immune system, as there is a risk of serious infections caused by the live bacteria they contain.
