What Is Potato Juice Good For?

What Is Potato Juice Good For?
What Is Potato Juice Good For?

Potatoes are very useful, they contain valuable nutrients. In addition to starch, potatoes contain protein and fat, cellulose and dietary fiber, organic acids and many vitamins.

Potatoes contain vitamin C, E, PP, B vitamins, carotene, potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron, calcium. Raw potatoes contain useful natural sugar, which is easily absorbed by the body.

Raw potato juice is a valuable product for both prevention and treatment of various diseases. Potato juice is useful for the treatment of external and internal problems.

Potato juice should be consumed immediately after preparation. It is best to squeeze the juice of raw potatoes with a juicer. The time-tested method can also be used - the potatoes are grated in bulk and filtered and squeezed through gauze.

The best for juice are pink and reddish potatoes with an elongated shape, they contain more vitamins and nutrients.

Potato juice is useful only from July to February, because then the old potatoes accumulate solanine - a toxic substance that can cause poisoning.

Before drinking potato juice, at least one day you should eat mainly fruits and vegetables. Eliminate salty, spicy and meat foods from your menu while being treated with potato juice.

Stomach bloating
Stomach bloating

Potato juice has a healing effect on the stomach. With its help, chronic gastritis, ulcers, colitis and constipation can be cured.

The acids also disappear after a few days of treatment with potato juice. The course of treatment lasts ten days, followed by ten days of rest.

A glass of freshly squeezed potato juice is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, then go to bed for half an hour. Breakfast is not earlier than one hour after drinking the juice.

One glass of juice is obtained from three potatoes. The result of the treatment appears after a few days. In gastritis with high acidity, drink half a teaspoon of potato juice before meals for ten days.

In case of stomach and duodenal ulcer, drink a quarter glass of juice a day, then half, then three quarters of a glass. Drink three times for twenty days, half an hour before meals.

Constipation and headaches will be eliminated if you drink half a cup of potato juice three times a day. It lowers blood pressure and is useful for hypertensives.

If you are constantly under stress and you are nervous, three times a day, half an hour before meals, drink a mixture of two parts potato juice, two parts carrot juice and one part celery juice. The total amount for one intake is half a glass of vegetable juice.
