Recipe For A Slim Waist With Turmeric

Recipe For A Slim Waist With Turmeric
Recipe For A Slim Waist With Turmeric

Turmeric - the spice with a deep yellow color. 2500 years before the new era, humanity discovered the miraculous properties of the priceless root, which belongs to a herbaceous plant known today as turmeric.

The homeland of turmeric is India, where it is also called haldi, gurgemea, turmeric. In appearance, turmeric root is very similar to ginger root, but because of its color it is also known as yellow ginger. Nowadays, turmeric is also grown as a potted plant because of its beautiful color.

According to ancient manuscripts, ground turmeric was first used in India and Assyria as a colorant, and later in medicine and cosmetics, and now in cooking. Turmeric falls first in Greece and then throughout Europe. After his trip to China in 1920, Marco Polo wrote about the widely used bright yellow spice, which he considered saffron, but most likely it was the far cheaper turmeric.

Turmeric is an integral part of Indian culture, there it is called the Golden Goddess and the Queen of the kitchen, is considered a sacred plant and is used in countless rituals, and it is a mandatory attribute of wedding ceremonies.

In European cuisines turmeric it is not used so often, but in the cuisine of the eastern countries it is constantly used in salads, soups, omelets.

It is added to the butter with which you will fry, or to the flour in which you will roll the fish or meat. Turmeric goes very well with rice, lentils and beans.

It is important to use wisely, a large amount of it can lead to unpleasant consequences.

And here is the expected one

Recipe for a slim waist with turmeric

Boil 400 ml of water and add 1 tbsp. turmeric, 3 slices of ginger, 5 tsp. dried herbs for tea, 1/4 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tsp. honey, cool and add 500 ml of kefir.

The resulting mixture is divided into 2 parts and used for breakfast and dinner.
