Sow Autumn Parsley Now

Sow Autumn Parsley Now
Sow Autumn Parsley Now

If you like parsley for most of your recipes, it's good to know that if you sow it in August, it will be ready in the fall. Before the snow falls you will be able to cut it once or twice, and next year - three or four more times.

It is good to sow before watering the beds. When the soil dries (one or two days after watering), sow. In small areas, the seeds are sown scattered or in shallow furrows at a distance of about 20 cm from each other.

The sowing rate is 1.5 g per sq.m. Parsley is sown to a depth of 1.5-2 cm, after which the beds are rolled or compacted by hand. In case of insufficient moisture, it is watered immediately after sowing. High soil moisture must be maintained until germination. If the weather is dry and warm, water every day with a small watering rate.

An important practice is weed control. In small areas they are removed by hand - weed immediately after watering.

The first pruning of parsley is done when the leaves reach a total length of 12-13 cm. They are cut a little low so as not to damage the growing tip. Then the crop is fed with 10-12 kg / dca of ammonium nitrate and irrigated.


In winter, you have almost no care for parsley. Only if you want to accelerate its growth, it is good to cover the beds with polyethylene tunnels. Parsley care is worth it because it is one of the most useful and pleasant spices, especially for salads in the summer.
