Reasons To Give Up Sugar

Reasons To Give Up Sugar
Reasons To Give Up Sugar

Sugar is not food - it contains empty calories with low nutritional value and actually forces the body to steal vitamins from other important organs to process sugar, leaving you malnourished.

Sugar makes you fat - it is full of calories that are stored in adipose tissue. It takes a lot of effort to burn those calories.

Sugar makes you nervous - there is a clear link between excess sugar and disorders such as anxiety, depression and schizophrenia due to high levels of insulin and adrenaline.

Sugar causes diabetes, heart and kidney problems - excess sugar can damage the pancreas.

Sugar is bad for your teeth - it increases the number of bacteria in your mouth that corrode enamel. The biggest crime is that many popular toothpastes contain sugar, and this does not have to be stated on the label.

Reasons to give up sugar
Reasons to give up sugar

Sugar suppresses the immune system - it overloads the body's defense systems, especially if you do not consume it in moderation.

Sugar causes wrinkles - foods rich in sugar damage collagen, which is responsible for fresh skin and lack of wrinkles.

No more than 10% of calories should come from added sweeteners - this means a maximum of 12 teaspoons of sugar for a menu of 2200 calories.

Twenty teaspoons of sugar may seem like too much in one day, but keep in mind that many products contain large amounts of sugar.

Low-fat fruit yogurt in a pack of one hundred and twenty-five milliliters contains up to 4 teaspoons of sugar.

Two slices of white bread can contain up to 3 teaspoons of sugar. A donut with icing contains about 6 teaspoons. It is easy to see why sugar consumption is rising, given that so many foods have added sugar.
