Nutrition In Amenorrhea

Nutrition In Amenorrhea
Nutrition In Amenorrhea

The medical term for irregular menstruation is amenorrhea “. As a regular cycle, scientists determine this occurs every 21 to 35 days. The first day of the menstrual cycle is the first day of bleeding. The reason for the fluctuations or the absence of regular menses can be very different, but they are usually hormonal.

The most common causes of menstrual disorders are stress and tension, caffeine abuse, smoking, eating disorders, thyroid problems. The treatment of amenorrhea it is possible when, first of all, you find the exact causes of the cycle disturbance and then eliminate them. Consuming certain foods can help support treatment and prevent hormonal fluctuations.


Omega-3 fatty acids

Add an extra portion of oily fish such as mackerel or tuna to your diet. Fish oils are antioxidants that have the ability to fight harmful free radicals in the body. They also increase the levels of dopamine (the hormone of good mood) in the brain. Some doctors fear that excessive consumption of such fish may be harmful to your health, as these types of fish tend to accumulate mercury. A good alternative is to take omega-3 fatty acids in the form of dietary supplements.



This does not mean attacking pork chops. Emphasize chicken, cottage cheese, some raw nuts. Protein balances hormone levels in the body, leading to a regular menstrual cycle and improved fertility. Vegetable proteins are especially useful for the body. Diversify your diet with walnuts, almonds, hummus and edamame (a type of green bean).

Vitamin D

The main way to get vitamin D in humans is through its synthesis in the skin. For this you need whole milk products, egg yolks, butter, mushrooms, salmon and plenty of sun. Expose yourself to maximum sunlight, especially in the middle of winter. If you take protective measures to protect your skin from sunburn, there is no good reason to look at the sun as an enemy. Vitamin D is known to improve the interaction between cells, thus stabilizing hormones.


Unrefined foods

There are almost no white foods in nature. The white foods we put on our table today are highly processed and really, really unhealthy. If you want to regulate menstruation, it is important to exclude refined products from your diet, because they affect the production of insulin in the body, and excess insulin inhibits the synthesis of progesterone. Avoid white sugar, white flour, pasta, white rice, white bread. Eat whole grains. Do not overdo fiber, as this can lead to lower estrogen levels.

Black chocolate

Black chocolate
Black chocolate

The flavonoids contained in dark chocolate have an estrogen-like effect. Flavonoids improve blood circulation, microcirculation in the ovaries and endocrine glands, stimulate dopamine secretion and prevent platelet aggregation. Stop at chocolate with the highest possible percentage of cocoa, at least over 70%.

Cocoa is rich in flavonoids, polyphenols, phenylethylamine (a mild natural antidepressant), starch, endorphins and many other extremely useful substances. Consumption of dark chocolate, respectively cocoa, leads to increased levels of serotonin in the brain, which has a positive effect on depression and premenstrual syndrome.

The flavonols in chocolate prevent blood clotting, which is an alternative for people who for one reason or another cannot take aspirin. The magnesium content in dark chocolate helps to increase progesterone levels just before a cycle, thus alleviating the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome.
