What Are The Mood Products

What Are The Mood Products
What Are The Mood Products

Statistics confirm that 40% of the population of childbearing age prefers good food to good sex.

In fact, food is the simplest, most affordable and inexhaustible source of pleasure. But not every food has an effect on our mood.

In the early twentieth century, a substance was extracted from the pituitary gland of animals whose formula is almost identical to the formula of morphine. The discoverers called it endorphin, which literally means "internal morphine."

Endorphins are now sometimes called "natural drugs" or "happiness hormones."

After a few years, these substances were also found in humans. Endorphins are naturally produced in the neurons of the brain and have the ability to reduce pain and affect emotional state.

Increased endorphin synthesis causes a person to fall into a state of euphoria. Products that contribute to the production of endorphins are also known.

What are the mood products
What are the mood products

In the first place to stimulate the development of "happiness hormones" are starchy foods and chocolate.

The hormone serotonin also has a huge impact on our mood. Decreased serotonin levels in the brain lead to severe depression. Serotonin in our body is formed from tryptophan - a special amino acid found in some products.

Here are foods high in tryptophan: bananas, figs, tomatoes, soy, beef (but not from the lower leg, groin or neck), milk and dairy products (cheese, yogurt, yogurt), nuts.

Nuts are one of the best sources of tryptophan. But peanuts and peanut butter hold first place. Walnuts and sesame seeds also contain tryptophan.
