How To Make Homemade Liqueur?

How To Make Homemade Liqueur?
How To Make Homemade Liqueur?

The liqueur was created eight centuries ago for medicinal purposes. It consisted mainly of herbs and fruits, which were left to soak in pure alcohol for several months. The beverage was then filtered and diluted with distilled water. Honey was also added.

So, after a few centuries, liqueur became a favorite drink of both the common people and the aristocracy, and at the end of the seventeenth century the drink was officially recognized in all royal courts.

King Louis XIV of France was one of the most famous fans of the liqueur. However, the golden age of the drink is considered to be the nineteenth century, when the brands were created, known to this day around the world - Curacao, Cointreau, Chartreuse, Grand Marnier, Galliano, Benedictine. Major producers of liqueur then, have maintained their championship to this day - France and Italy.

To date, the recipe for liqueur has changed significantly. Already mix different fruits, citrus peels and herbs. Leave to soak in alcohol for several hours to a week. The resulting mixture is filtered and distilled in a special device called patent still, during which only the "core of the drink" is selected. Refined sugar and pure water are added to the core to lower the temperature. In Israel, for example, cactus alcohol is used as the basis for Sabra liqueur.

All kinds of fruits can be used to prepare liqueur, but red ones are most often used. Strawberry is an almost mandatory ingredient, often found black currants, raspberries, cherries and mulberries. Essential oils also have an important effect.

In our time, three types of liqueurs are known. The oldest, whose recipe is kept secret and is known only to a select circle of people; branded liqueurs, which are mostly used for cocktails and sweets liqueur creams.

If you want to experiment, here are some helpful tips for homemade liqueur.

The fruits from which to extract juice for the liqueur must be well ripened, the sugar - pure, and the brandy - over 50 degrees and breathless. If you do not have one, use medical alcohol.

You can separate the juice from the fruit in two ways:

- by squeezing or squeezing the fruit and leaving the resulting juice to ferment. Finally, you need to add the alcohol and sugar in the form of sugar syrup.

Egg liqueur
Egg liqueur

- by pouring syrup or alcohol over the fruit. Put the small fruits whole in jars or bottles and fill them with alcohol or brandy, add the specified amount of sugar. Close the bottles and store them at room temperature for about a month, a month and a half. If the fruits are larger, you can grate them or cut them into pieces.

Cherry liqueur

You will need 2 kg of well-ripened cherries, 1 kg of sugar, 1 liter of 50-degree brandy without breath or medical alcohol. Optionally you can add cloves, cinnamon sticks and 1 nutmeg. Be sure to put a few cherry leaves.

Method of preparation

Wash and clean the cherries, place them in jars or wide-mouth bottles and sprinkle with sugar. Add the flavors to mix the sugar with the flavors, shake vigorously. Close the jar with gauze and place it in the sun for about a week. Finally, pour the brandy. After about a month, a month and a half, strain the liqueur and pour it into bottles.

Liqueurs are made not only from fruit, here is a recipe for a delicious egg liqueur.

Egg liqueur

You will need 3 egg yolks, 200 milliliters of vodka, 4 tablespoons of sugar, 2 teaspoons of milk, 1 teaspoon of liquid sweetened cream, half a pod of vanilla and a pinch of nutmeg.

Method of preparation

Using a mixer, mix the yolks and sugar until white. Add half a cup of cream and place in a water bath. Stir the mixture constantly until the cream starts to thicken. Be very careful, the yolk mixture should not boil, because you will get scrambled eggs!

In a separate bowl, heat the remaining cream, milk and vanilla beans until almost boiling. While stirring constantly, add a little of the milk mixture to the warm yolks.

Finally, allow to cool slightly and add the vodka and nutmeg.

The liqueur is consumed warm, and especially in the winter months it becomes a pleasure for all the senses.
