Hot Beer Warms In Winter

Hot Beer Warms In Winter
Hot Beer Warms In Winter

Peoples who know what the real winter cold is have long since learned to adapt to living conditions. Proper clothing, food, and last but not least, drinks are an important condition to feel good during the cold months.

A nice drink for the winter is hot beer. It is not always drunk chilled as it is today. Until the end of the eighteenth century, the inhabitants of the Scandinavian countries and the British Isles preferred hot beer in the cold months.

The drink was as common as coffee and tea. Hot beer was served in pubs, made at home and considered medicinal. Only dark beer is suitable for warming up.

One of the recipes for hot beer is to boil the beer, add sugar, spices to taste and serve with warm toasted slices. Another recipe requires baked apples.

It is ancient British and is called the "wave of the lamb". Roast a few apples until their skin is cracked. Warm the beer, add a little ginger, sugar and nutmeg. Before serving, put pieces of sliced baked apple in the beer.

In Russia, for centuries, they have been warming up. To prepare it, in a liter of water, after boiling, add three hundred grams of honey and bring to a boil. Add cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, cloves, chamomile, mint.

Cook for half an hour and leave to simmer. Strain and serve hot. You can add freshly squeezed fruit juice to the hot drink to give it a fresh taste.

Europeans preferred gluvine, which warmed them in the cold months. In practice, this is mulled wine with spices. To make a classic gluvine, in 100 g of boiling water, add 100 g of sugar or honey, spices to taste - cloves, saffron, cinnamon, cardamom, bay leaf, black peppercorns, nutmeg, and grated orange peel. or lemon.

Hot beer warms in winter
Hot beer warms in winter

Pour a bottle of wine into this mixture and heat to seventy degrees. Do not let it boil. Strain and pour into glasses. Add pieces of apple, orange or pear.

Punch has long been a traditional warming drink for the British. It is made with wine, brandy, rum or bourbon, in which fruit juice and pieces of fruit are added.

In wine heated to seventy degrees, add sugar and honey and spices to taste. Pour freshly squeezed fruit juice into a tall glass. Add rum or brandy and pour wine through a strainer. The cup is preheated - this is done by pouring hot water into it and leave for a minute.

Grog was invented in the eighteenth century as a means of combating the drunkenness of the sailors of the Royal Navy. In order to stop the frequent drunken gatherings of the sailors, a glass of rum diluted with water and sugar was served with the portions of food given to them.

Grog is made by boiling five hundred milliliters of water and putting a few packets of black tea in it. After three minutes, remove, add sugar, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, black peppercorns.

Stir, add three hundred milliliters of rum. Heat without boiling, leave covered for fifteen minutes and pour into preheated cups.
