Citrus Juices For Healthy Bones

Citrus Juices For Healthy Bones
Citrus Juices For Healthy Bones

Frequent consumption of orange or grapefruit juice can protect against osteoporosis, say experts from Texas A&M University. In most cases, osteoporosis occurs after the age of 50. The disease is characterized by a decrease in bone density.

It turns out that citrus juices will not only not allow bone density to decrease, but will also cause the opposite process, scientists say. Drinking orange juice can strengthen bones, say scientists who worked under Farzad Deichim.

The study of specialists lasted about two months. They explain the beneficial effects of citrus juices with the presence of antioxidants contained in the fruit. It is also known that antioxidants prevent the formation and development of cancer and cardiovascular disease, as well as stroke.

It is not yet clear to scientists exactly which ingredient in citrus fruits helps increase bone density. Experts have their doubts - they suggest that it is a lemon. Scientists' research will continue until they find out which ingredient helps our bones.

Orange juice
Orange juice

In addition to healthy bones, citrus drinks can help us with healthy hair. Vitamin C, which is contained in citrus fruits, helps hair growth. Vitamin C also helps to strengthen the nails, as well as for the radiant appearance of the skin.

The vitamin slows down the formation of free radicals, as well as the aging process. Not only drinking juices or eating fruit can make our skin healthy. You can make masks for the face and hair.

Citrus juice can provide us with many useful substances for the body, but it can also save the situation in the kitchen.

If you accidentally added spicy food to your dish, but you overdo it, you can deal with the complicated situation by adding a few drops of citrus juice. Another option for removing the spiciness is tomato juice, a little sugar or honey added to the dish also helps.
