Green Peas For Healthy Bones

Green Peas For Healthy Bones
Green Peas For Healthy Bones

Green peas have a delicious taste and are rich in healthy nutrients. There are three known types of peas: garden or green peas, snow peas and crispy peas.

Peas have rounded pods, which are usually slightly curved, with a smooth texture and green color. Inside are green peas, which are sweet and rich in starch.

The pods of snow peas are flatter and more transparent than those of garden peas. Crispy peas are a cross between garden and snow peas and have more rounded pods with a crispy texture.

Snow and crispy pea pods are edible and have a sweeter taste than peas. Pea is believed to have its origins in Central Asia and Europe.

In fact, it is even mentioned in the Bible and is praised by the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Greece and Rome.

Green peas provide nutrients that are important for maintaining bone strength. It is a source of vitamin K, parts of which our body converts into K2, which activates osteocalcin. It is the main protein in the bones that releases calcium molecules inside the bone.

Green peas also serve as a very good source of folic acid and vitamin B6. They help reduce the increase in a metabolic by-product called homocysteine, which can prevent the cross-linking of collagen, which leads to poor intercellular substance in the bones and osteoporosis.

Green peas are one of the main foods that need to be included in a person's diet if he often feels tired. This is because it provides nutrients that support the body's energy-producing cells and systems.

Green peas are also a good source of thiamine-vitamin B1, vitamin B6, riboflavin-vitamin B2 and niacin-vitamin B3, each of which contains substances necessary for carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism.

Chicken with Peas
Chicken with Peas

Green peas contain iron and minerals necessary for the normal formation of blood cells, the deficiency of which leads to anemia, fatigue and reduces the immune system.

Peas are one of the few members of the legume family that is sold fresh. The rest is offered frozen or canned. Frozen peas are more preferred than canned ones because they retain their flavors and have a lower sodium content.

Peas are available from spring to early winter. Snow peas can usually be found all year round in Asian stores. While crispy peas are more limited, from late spring to early summer.
