Six Cocktails To Try In The Summer

Six Cocktails To Try In The Summer
Six Cocktails To Try In The Summer

In the heat of summer there are several cocktailwhich you must try. Those who wish can prepare them themselves, and people who really want to be lazy can order them in any bar.


The Americano cocktail was created in Italy in 1861. In the original recipe, equal amounts of campari and vermouth were mixed, but later carbonated water was added to the drink.

Americano is made from 25 milliliters of campari, 25 milliliters of vermouth and 15 milliliters of sparkling water. After mixing with a shaker, the cocktail is garnished with a slice of orange.


The Negroni cocktail began to be prepared as an imitation of Americano in 1919. However, gin is added to the original campari and vermouth. To prepare the cocktail, you will need 30 milliliters of gin, 30 milliliters of vermouth and 20 milliliters of campari.


Vesper - James Bond cocktail

This cocktail was first drunk at the Casino Royal in 1953, and its author was Ian Fleming. This is James Bond's favorite drink, ordering it in every movie in the series.

The cocktail is mixed with 60 milliliters of vodka and 10 milliliters of dry vermouth, which are served in a martini glass.

White Russian

The cocktail that became popular from the movie The Great Lebrowski, despite its name, is not a typical drink in Russia. It is prepared from 30 milliliters of vodka, 30 milliliters of Kalua liqueur and 60 milliliters of fresh milk. The cocktail is garnished with ground nutmeg and ice.

White Russian
White Russian

Amaretto Sauer

The cocktail was created in the 50s in Italy. To prepare it at home, you only need amaretto and lemon juice. Pour 60 milliliters of the liqueur and 30 milliliters of the lemon juice. Stir in a shaker and garnish with a slice of orange.

Long Island iced tea

Despite its name, this tea is one of the strongest alcoholic beverages. The drink is prepared from 20 milliliters of Triple sec, 20 milliliters of tequila, 20 milliliters of gin, 20 milliliters of vodka and 20 milliliters of white rum.
